Who was Hazrat Qasim and how was Martyr
Our praise be upon Ghasem, the son of Hasan ibn Ali! The one that has been wounded and his military tools have been plundered! When he beckoned his uncle, Hossein, he hurried towards him just like a quick-winged eagle. He scattered people around him and got closer to him. When Hossein got to him, he was walking lamely (because of the wounds). Hossein said: “may God not have mercy on those who killed you! They are the same people that your father and grandfather would be hostile towards them in the Day of Judgment!” Then, he said: “I swear to God that it is so intolerable for your uncle to be beckoned by you and not answer you while you have been martyred or wounded.”
The Last Day, Ashura, Karbala
1. Asking for Permission to Enter the Battlefield
When all the companions were martyred, it was Imam Mojtaba’s son’s turn! Hazrat Ghasem talked to Imam Hossein and said: “O Uncle! I’ve come to ask your permission to go!”
2. The Uncle’s Rejection of the Plea
Imam Hossein said: “O my nephew! You are my brother’s memorabile! Stay! Don’t enter the battlefield! Your presence consolidates me!”
3. Imam Hassan Mojtaba’s Will
O my son! Whenever you saw your uncle in Karbala, don’t ever quit fighting the enemies of God and the Prophet! If your uncle didn’t let you to enter the battlefield, persist in your request!
4. The Uncle’s Permission
Hazrat Ghasem presented the will to Imam Hossein. When Imam saw the will, he hugged Ghasem to bid farewell to him.
5. Entering the Battlefield
Imam Hossein clothed Imam Mojtaba in his ghaba and then put Hassan’s turban on Ghasem’s head and sent him to the battlefield.
Hazrat Ghasem’s Biography
His Childhood
“Ramle” or “Nofaileh” was a female slave living in Imam Hassan Mojtaba’s house. She could always inhale the fragrance of spirituality in this abode. She gave birth to a child in 46 AH. Imam named this child Ghasem in order to remember his grandfather’s son. From then on, Nofaileh was called “ome Ghasem” (Ghasem’s mother). Ghasem’s face could remind everybody of the father’s tallness, kindness, beautiful spirit and also beautiful face.
The Father’s Martyrdom
When Imam Hassan was martyred on the last days of Safar 49 AH the second light of Imamte’s bright sky was extinguished. It was then that Bani Hashem’s house was filed with deepest sorrows. Ghasem hugged Imam’s body. He touched his father’s cheeks with his small hands and said: “O Father! Who do you left me with?” Imam parted him from his brother’s body and said: “O Dear Ghasem! Don’t cry! I will treat you like a father and you are just like my own child!”
Spiritual Trainings
Hazrat Ghasem’s dependence upon his uncle could intensify his confidence and also his spiritual security and stabilization. Furthermore, Imam Hassan had admonished his brother about his children’s upbringing. Imam Hossein respected him in the best way and tried to calm him down in various situations.
Accompanying the Uncle
Hazrat Ghasem liked his uncle a lot. He was profited by Imam Hossein’s virtues. Because of being brought up in Imam’s house and also his eagerness to gain insight, he could act as the protagonist of an enormous epic in Karbala.
On the night of Ashura, everybody pledged his allegiance to Imam and said: “we will never leave you alone!” Then, Imam said:” you must know that we will be killed!” Everybody answered: “Thanks God! We are honored to be martyred and we are happy about it!” A little child was sitting on the corner of the room. He was not more than 13 years old. He suspected whether he, as a young boy, was supposed to be martyred just like the others or not!
Hazrat Ghasem addressed Imam Hossein and said: “O my uncle! Am I one of those who are supposed to be martyred tomorrow?” Imam Hossein asked: “what do you think of death? How does it taste to you?” he said:” it is sweeter than honey. If you tell me that I’m going to be martyred tomorrow, it would be the best news for me” he said: “yes, my nephew! but you will suffer the worst pain!” he said: “Thanks God! I heartily thank God for such thing to happen”
When Ali Akbar was martyred, this 13 year old boy came to Imam Hossein while the sword was so big for his small body to carry! All the armors were made for big men not small children! All the helmets fit the head of big men not small children. He said: “O my uncle! It is my turn! Let me enter the battlefield!” (On the day of Ashura, no one entered the battlefield without asking Imam Hossein for permission). At first, Imam Hossein didn’t let him to enter the battlefield and cried.
Hazrat Ghasem and his uncle hugged each other and cried. Hazrat Ghasem kissed Imam Hossein’s hands and feet. He insisted more and more but Imam Hossein didn’t accept. Imam Hossein wanted to let him enter the battlefield but he didn’t want to tell it literally. So he hugged him and said: “I want to bid farewell to you!” The uncle and the nephew cried a lot that day.