walk Arbain
The Concept of the Union from the Standpoint of Arbaeen
The Concept of the Union from the Standpoint of Arbaeen[1]
Fighting against Arrogance and Opposition to the Cruelty as an Intrinsic Nature of Human Being
Opposition between justice and cruelty has been existed from the first day of the Creation until forever. Bringing justice and eliminating cruelty have been institutionalized in human nature so that such attitude known as “Fighting against Arrogance” on global scale.
Islamic Messianism is a Common Doctrine among all Religions
Since survivalism and anti-arrogant trend are common among all people, both can pave the way for creating a harmonious movement resulting in bliss for people; in fact, Islamic Messianism and anti-arrogant trend are the two key features of Arbaeen which form a union among Muslims.
The process of people’s walking tour to Karbala is considered a symbol of Islamic Messianism and anti-arrogant trend so that this movement is regarded as a practice of intrinsic fight against global arrogance that are basic principles of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Indeed, the mentioned movement can keep Muslims closer together resulting in a union.
Eliminating Israel
Our Enemies are afraid of our walking tour to Karbala because this movement keeps Muslims’ hearts closer together and it brings unanimity; so, this movement is very dangerous for them. The numbers of traveling people (about 20000000 people) are large enough to change their route and destroy Israel even without arms, even with stones in the twinkling of an eye! So this is the very panic which Israel is afraid of!
The Union between Muslims and Underprivileged People
Nowadays the appearance of Daesh Sect is a potential risk to the Islamic steady streams and can cause serious damage to Islam and the first negative effect is to cause schism among Muslims and it seems that we must create more unanimous movements against the cruelty and arrogance and as mentioned above, Islamic Messianism and anti-arrogant trend are the two key features of Arbaeen which form a union among Muslims.
[1] Arbaeen commemorates the end of the 40-day mourning period after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PEACE BE UPON HIM) – the Prophet’s grandson, in a battle in 680 AD.