The reward of the pilgrimage of Imam Hussein(piece be upon him)
Muhammad ibn Sinan narrates that
I heard from Imam Reza (piece be upon him) that he said: »
“Visiting the grave of Hussein (piece be upon him) is equal to an acceptable and good Umrah»
Encyclopedia of Imam Hussein based on Quran and Hadith, Volume 11
Mohammad Mohammadi Rey Shahri
ثواب زیارت اباعبد الله الحسین علیه السلام
ثواب الأعمال عن محمّد بن سنان :سَمِعتُ الرِّضا علیه السلام یَقولُ :
زِیارَةُ قَبرِ الحُسَینِ علیه السلام تَعدِلُ عُمرَةً مَبرورَةً مَقبولَةً ؛
ثواب الأعمال ـ به نقل از محمّد بن سنان :
شنیدم که امام رضا علیه السلام مى فرماید : «زیارت قبر حسین علیه السلام ، برابر با عمره اى مقبول و نیکوست . »
منبع:دانشنامه امام حسین علیه السلام بر پایه قرآن و حدیث جلد یازدهم محمّد محمّدی ری شهری صفحه 68
پاورقی ها: ثواب الأعمال : ص 112 ح 10 ، کامل الزیارات : ص 291 ح 473 و ص 292 ح 477 ، بحار الأنوار : ج 101 ص 29 ح 5 .
چای روضه
استکان چای را که یک ساعتی می شد از دست خادمان مسجد گرفته بودم و جلویم، روی زمین گذاشته بود، با دو دست برداشتم و چشمانم را بستم. بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم گفتم و نیت کردم … سلامتی و فرج آقا و مولایمان صاحب الزمان، سلامتی رهبر عزیزمان، شفای بیماران، … .
چای خور نیستم، اما همین یک استکان سهمیه ی چای یکسالم را تأمین می کرد. آن را جرعه جرعه نوشیدم و به آنچه که درون استکان بود و من آن را با عقیده تمام می نوشیدم فکر می کردم. مزه ی چای نمی داد! مزه اش به چیزهای دیگری شبیه بود؛
مزه اش شبیه بود به گریه و خیمه، آتش و نیزه، آب و عمه، تازیانه و شهادت …
علی لعنة الله علی القوم الظالمین
مسلم ابن عقیل
فقال ابن زیاد: أخبرنى یا مسلم لم أتیت هذا البلد و أمرهم ملئتم فشتت أمرهم بینهم و فرقت کلمتهم؟
ابن زیاد گفت:
ای مسلم به من بگو چرا به این شهر آمدی و آرامش آن را بر هم زدی و کارهایشان را آشفته و آنان را دچار تفرقه نمودی؟
Ibn Zayd said:
Tell me, why did you come to this city and disturb it and disturb their affairs and divide them?
فقال له مسلم: ما لهذا أتیت…فأتیناهم لنأمر فیهم بالمعروف و ننهی عن المنکر و ندعوهم إلی حکم الکتاب و السنة و کنا أهل ذلک کما أمر رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم)
مسلم به او گفت:
برای این نیامدم، ولی شما منکر را آشکار و معروف را به خاک سپردید، و بدون رضایت مردم بر آنان فرمانروایی می کنید. با ایشان برخلاف آنچه خدا به شما دستور داده رفتار نمودید،…و
Muslim said to him
I didn’t come for this, but you exposed the ugly things and you buried the righteous deeds, and you ruled over them without the consent of the people. You treated them contrary to what God commanded you.
ما آمده ایم تا ایشان را امر به معروف و نهی از منکر کنیم، ایشان را به سوی حکم خدا و سنت فرا خوانیم، و ما همچنانکه پیامبر خدا (صلی الله علیه و آله) فرموده سزاوار آنیم.
We have come to deny them the good and forbid them, call them to the commandment of God and the Sunnah, and we deserve it as the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) has said.
The Battle and Its Related Events.4
The Battle and Its Related Events
part: 4
The narrator says: Umar Ibn Sa’ad rushed forward and threw an arrow towards the army of Husayn (a.s.) and said: “Bear wit- ness before the Amir that I was the first person to shoot!” Then arrows began to fall like raindrops.
Imam (a.s.) told his companions: “May Allah have Mercy on you. Get ready for death, the death from which there is no escape, because these arrows are the enemy’s war couriers for you.”
On the day of Ashura, for some hours, there was a heavy collective war, which rendered a number of companions martyred. At that moment holy Imam Husayn (a.s.) placed his hand on his holy beard and said: “Allah’s anger became severe against the Jews when they attributed a son to Allah; and on the Christians when they considered God to be a trinity; and on Zoarastarians when they worshipped the sun and the moon.
The wrath of Allah became harsh on my community when they united to kill the son of the daughter of His Messenger.” “No, by Allah! I will never submit to them until I meet my God when I get bathed in my blood.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) heard from his father that, “When Imam Husayn (a.s.) encountered Umar Ibn Sa’ad and the battle began, Allah sent down His Help. He caused shade over the blessed head of Husayn (a.s.). At that moment Husayn was provided two options: To be victorious over his enemies, or to meet his God. He opted for meeting Allah.”
It is said that at that time Husayn (a.s.) shouted, “Is there anyone to help us for the sake of Allah? Is there anyone prepared to defend the Prophet’s (S) family?” At that moment Hurr Ibn Yazeed Riyahi turned towards Umar bin Sa’ad and said: “Do you want to fight against this man?” Umar Ibn Sa’ad replied: “Yes. By Allah! The easiest form of it is chopping off heads and cutting off the hands.”
Then Hurr went and stood between his fellowmen. He began to tremble like a cane stick.
Muhajir Ibn Aus17 told him: “By Allah! Your action is very strange. If it were asked that who is the bravest man in Kufa, I could not have ignored you. But in what condition am I observing you?”
Hurr replied: “By Allah. I am, at present, finding myself in the position of opting for either Heaven or Hell. By Allah! I will opt for nothing but Paradise; even if I were cut into pieces and then burnt.” Then he drove his horse towards Husayn (a.s.) and while placing his hands on his head said: “O Allah! I have turned towards You, and I have repented. Kindly accept my repentance because I am guilty of causing unrest and anxiety to Your friends and to the children of the holy Prophet (S).”
He requested Husayn (a.s.): “May I be sacrificed for you. I am the same man who prevented you from returning to Medina and made things difficult for you. By Allah! I never imagined that these people would behave like this with you. I am repenting before Allah. Do you think that my repentance will be accepted?”
Husayn (a.s.) replied: “Yes. Allah will pardon you. Please get down.”
He submitted: “In my humble opinion, I can serve you better mounted than on feet. My last coming down, as desired by me, is martyrdom.” “Now that it is I who had revolted against you, kindly permit me to be the first martyr to be killed before your honor. Perhaps, tomorrow, on the Day of Justice, I may be one of those who will warmly shake hands with the holy Prophet (S).” Hurr said.
The compiler of the book says: What Hurr meant by the “first? martyr, was to be the first after that moment, as per narrations; a few persons had already been martyred earlier.
Imam allowed him. So Hurr went forward to fight and waged a good war. He killed many warriors of the enemy before getting himself martyred.
His pure body was brought to the Imam (a.s.) who cleaned his face and exclaimed; “You are indeed Hurr (Free) as your mother named you. You are free both in this world and in the Hereafter.”
The narrator says: Burair Ibn Haseen Khuzair who was a pious and worshipper went to the battlefield and was confronted by Yazeed bin Ma’qal. They both engaged in fighting and Burair sent Yazeed to hell and continued fighting till he attained martyrdom. May Allah be pleased with Burair
اگر عزای شما نبود
بسم الله
اگر عزای شما نبود،
اگر اهل بیتتان اسیر نمی شدند،
اگر پیکر شما، آغشته به خون نمی گشت،
اگر پر زدن اصحاب را یکی یکی به چشم نمی دیدید،
تحمل رنج و سختی و مشقت دنیا، سهل نبود.
همه غصه هایم را گذاشته ام تا در عزایتان فراموش کنم و فقط بر مصیبتتان، اشک بریزم.
لایوم کیومک یا اباعبدالله آقاجان
In the name of God
If it wasn’t for your mourning,
If at least your household were not captured
If your body wasn’t stained with blood,
If you didn’t see the companions filling one by one,
If … It was not easy to endure the suffering of the world.
I have left all my sorrows to forget about your loss and only to weep over your misery. O Abbadullah,
there is no day like your day My Lord My life
داغ تو ماه علقمه قد خمیدهم کرد
داغ تو ماه علقمه قد خمیدهام کرد
ادبت پیش فاطمه رو سفیدم کرد…
مداحی زیبای حاج محمود کریمی در شب وفات حضرت امالبنینسلاماللهعلیها