کوفیان منافق
امام صادق علیه السلام سه گروه اند که حقشان را جز منافقان شناخته شده نادیده نمیگیرند: ریش سفید مسلمان، حافظ قرآن و پیشوای دادگر(۱) لا یوم کیومک یا ابا عبد الله باور نمیکنم آنان که روبروی شما ایستادند نمیدانستند که ریش سفید بنی هاشمیان هستی. آخر خودشان شما را دعوت کردند به کوفه بیایی. حافظ قرآن بودنت را سر بردیده ات بالای نیزه ها به همه ثابت کرد. آقای من! پیشوای دادگری که کوفیان آمدنت را هم تحمل نکردند چه برسد به حکومتت. اینان همه شان منافق بودند برای همین وقتی خیل نامه هایشان را خواندی بهشان اعتنا نکردی. آقای من! ای کاش کودکانت را لا اقل همراه نمیآوردی. آخر طفل شش ماهه طاقت تشنگی ندارد. تیر سه شعبه هم اگر گلویش را نمیدرید باز هم زنده از این کارزار بیرون نمیآمد. علی لعنت الله علی القوم الکافرین. ۱_ اصول کافی جلد ۲، صفحه ی ۶۵۸
Hearings and sayings about Imam Hussein (as)
Ahadith, The Traditions
1. The Inferno of Husayni Love
قال النبيٌُّ (ص):
إن لقتل الحُسين حرارةٌ في قلوب المؤمنين لا تبرد أبداً
The Holy Prophet (S) said: Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Mu’mineen, with respect to the martyrdom of Husayn (A.S.), a heat that never subsides.
Mustadrak al‑Wasail vol 10 pg. 318
2. A’ashura ‑ A Day of Grief
Imam Ridha’ (A.S.) said:
قال الرضا (ع):
مَن كان يوم عاشوراء يوم مُصيبته وحُزنه وبُكائه يجعل الله عزَّ وجل يوم القيامة يوم فرحه وسروره
The one for whom the day of A’ashura is a day of tragedy, grief and weeping, Allah The Mighty, The Glorious, shall make the Day of Judgment, a day of joy and happiness for him.
Bihar al‑Anwar, vol. 44, pg. 284
3. Muharram ,The Month of Mourning
Imam Ridha’ (A.S.) said:
critical Juncture In The Life Of Mankind
critical Juncture In The Life Of Mankind
Days Of Separation
The days of separation are distinct occasions in history that classify people into two or more groups. The place of these occasions in history is similar to that of crossroads which people come across during their journeys. Roads and highways bring together the travelers till they reach the crossroads where they split into two, three or more groups. In the same way, days of difficulty separate people who were together during days of ease and comfort.
The holy Qur’an named the day of Badr the Day of Separation1 because the people who were hitherto living together in Mecca during peace time were divided into two belligerent parties on that day.
It is not always possible for a person to live a life of civility and pleasant social intercourse with all the people, for God Most High has assigned, in the course of history and the life of mankind, days on which they have to make a resolution concerning what they say or do. They have to take a decision on war or peace; whether to continue their relationships or sever them; whether they will turn towards God or away from Him. These days are the days of separation.
Ashura Is Among The Days Of Separation
The day of Ashura was a day of separation in Islamic history. It divided the people who were living together during peace time into two different groups: one group stood with Husayn (as) and fought the Umayyads, while the other supported the Umayyads and fought Husayn (as). On that day, the people had no choice but to select and decide on which side they would fight, and, there was no other option. This is the feature which distinguishes the days of separation: it forces the people to choose the party to which they will give their loyalty and repudiate the other.
Towards Karbala
Tea ceremony imam hussein
walk Arbain
The Concept of the Union from the Standpoint of Arbaeen
The Concept of the Union from the Standpoint of Arbaeen[1]
Fighting against Arrogance and Opposition to the Cruelty as an Intrinsic Nature of Human Being
Opposition between justice and cruelty has been existed from the first day of the Creation until forever. Bringing justice and eliminating cruelty have been institutionalized in human nature so that such attitude known as “Fighting against Arrogance” on global scale.
Islamic Messianism is a Common Doctrine among all Religions
Since survivalism and anti-arrogant trend are common among all people, both can pave the way for creating a harmonious movement resulting in bliss for people; in fact, Islamic Messianism and anti-arrogant trend are the two key features of Arbaeen which form a union among Muslims.
The process of people’s walking tour to Karbala is considered a symbol of Islamic Messianism and anti-arrogant trend so that this movement is regarded as a practice of intrinsic fight against global arrogance that are basic principles of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Indeed, the mentioned movement can keep Muslims closer together resulting in a union.
Eliminating Israel