تاسوعا در بناب
مراسم عزاداری شب تاسوعا در بناب، آذربایجان شرقی
حیدر حیدر گویان
مراسم حیدر حیدر گویان در شب تاسوعای حسینی در شهرستان بناب
امام او را در آغوش گرفت. تن عباس بوی رمضان بیست سال پیش را میداد. همان وقت که پدر دستانشان را در دست هم قرار داد و آنها را به هم سپرد. پدر با بغض به عباس گفت:” در آن روز موعود، فراموش نکن؛ قبل از برادرت آب ننوشی! ” آن موقع نمیدانستند که پدر چه میگوید. بوی جدایی و رفتن میآید. تن عباس دیگر تحمل این دنیا را نداشت.
بچهها آب بخواهند و عباس که یک عمر سقای بنیهاشم بوده همین طور بنشیند و دست روی دست بگذارد؟ کودکان همه چشم انتظارند که عمو آب بیاورد. همین چند دقیقهی پیش جمع شده بودند دور عمو. امام دلش نمیخواست علمدار سپاهش را تنها بفرستد. دلش نمیخواست عباس از او جدا بشود. قوت بازوان امام بود؛ امید کاروانیان. اگر به میدان برود و برنگردد چه؟
هنوز عباس را در آغوش گرفته بود. تن عباس بوی پدر میداد. مروارید اشک هنوز میغلطید. دستان برادر کوچک را در دست گرفت. تنومند و پرتوان بود. از سر ناچاری گفت: “پس با هم برویم.” اسبهایشان را آماده کردند. قرار شد هر کسی جلوتر رفت با رجز و تکبیر دیگری را خبر کند. پشت به پشت هم بروند و هم را مراقب باشند. یکی از میسره به سپاه بزند و یکی از میمنه. باید هر طور شده برای بچهها آب بیاورند. راستی! پدر گفته بود هیچ وقت از هم جدا نشوید. قد و بالای عباس را که از پشت سر نگاه میکرد قند در دلش آب میشد. اما همین که فکر میکرد که شاید دیگر او را نبیند حزن همهی وجودش را فرا میگرفت. اما چاره نبود. باید برای بچهها آب بیاورند.
عباس صورتش برافروخته شده بود. نشاط دوباره یافته بود. نور رخش عالم را روشن کرده بود. دلش قوت دوباره گرفته بود که با یَدِ جنگآوریاش بتواند آب برای بچهها بیاورد. محکم و استوار به دل لشکر زد. مشک بر دوشش سنگینی نمیکرد. جلوتر که میرفت صدای برادر را میشنید. رجز میخواند بین لشکر و پیش میرفت و او باید جواب برادر را میداد. اینطوری از سلامت هم باخبر میشدند.
_ انا ابن المحمد المصطفی
+ انا ابن علی المرتضی
_انا ابن فاطمه الزهراء
+انا ابن حیدر کرار
همین طور میگفتند و پیش میرفتند. دل لشکر را شکافته بودند. راه به شریعه باز شده بود. پای عباس به آب رسید. اسب تا کمر در شریعه وارد شد. خیلی آسان مشکش را پر آب کرد. تشنگی امانش را ربوده بود. دست برد کف آبی برداشت که بنوشد. صدای پدر را شنید: “پسرم ادب سقایت این است که تا تشنگان را آب ننوشاندی خودت سیراب نشوی. فراموش نکنی! نکند برادرت و کودکانش تشنه بمانند و تو سیراب شده باشی!”
رجزی دوباره خواند تا مولایش بداند به آب رسیده و او را پشتیانی کند. باید هر طور شده آب را به رباب برساند. طفل از تشنگی رمقی برایش باقی نمانده. مثل همیشه به دل لشکر زد تا از آن به در آید. اما این بار یک مشک پر آب که مثل جواهر قیمت دارد همراه اوست. لشکر که او را پیروزمند دیده به خودش لرزیده. اگر آب به سپاه حسین(علیهالسلام) برسد دیگر کسی جلودار آنها نیست. با این همه تشنگی خیلی از ما را تارومار کردهاند. نباید گذاشت آب به دستشان برسد.
صدای رجز آخرش که آمد مولا فهمید عباس به آب رسیده. مثل باز شکاری به پیش رفت و به دل لشکر زد تا راه عباس را باز کند و او را از سیل تیرانداز و نیزه به دست بیرون بیاورد. دلش برای چشماهی زیبای عباس شور میزد. برای دستهای پرقدرتش. با رجزی عباس را از آمدن خود مطلع کرد. دارم به سوی تو میآیم جانِ برادر. آتش جنگ هر لحظه داغتر میشد و مشک جلوی آزادی عملش را گرفته بود. نگاههای نافذش دشمن تا دندان مسلح را میترساند. از پشت و جلو به سمت عباس حملهور شده بودند. ناغافل شمشیری از راه رسید و دست راستش را ربود. نگذاشت مشک به زمین بیافتد. به سرعت چنگ زد و آنرا در هوا گرفت. اما با یک دست چطور بجنگد و آب را به سلامت برساند؟ باید روی مشک خیمه بزند. نکند زحمتهایش به هدر برود. چشمهای شوم این قوم تنومندیاش را چشم کرده. دلهای لرزانشان را قرص کردهاند تا هر طور شده راه پسر علی را بربندند.
بانگ میزند اگرچه دست راستم را از من گرفتید اما من دست از دینم برنمیدارم. من به صداقت مولایم یقین دارم که او از نسل پیامبر امین است. رجزهایش دل ترسان دشمن را آب میکند. چشمهای نافذش راه را بر ایشان بسته. با مشکِ به دست چپ گرفته به سرعت میتازد. اما قوم او را دوره کردهاند. تیراندازها امان نمیدهند که نکند آب به حسین بن علی علیه السلام برسد. از پشت سر سایهای با ترس نزدیک میشود و دست چپش را هم میرباید. خدا را شکر مشک هنوز سالم است. خیمه زده و با دندان محکم آنرا گرفته که از روی اسب نیافتد. باران تیر امانش را بریده. عرق ریزان و شرمگین مولاست. هرچه آقا صدایش میزند نمیتواند پاسخ بدهد. مشک باید سالم به دست سکینه و بچهها برسد؛ هرطور شده.
امام که صدای برادر به گوشش نمیرسد نگرانتر میشود. خودش را به برادر نزدیک میکند. لشکر بینشان را فاصله انداخته. چرا عباس صدایش به گوش نمیرسد؟ باران تیر که میبارد بالاخره کارساز میشود. مشک پاره شده، چشم و سینه هم. راه که بسته است و تیره و تار. چطور خودم را به مولایم برسانم؟ باید تیر از چشمانم دربیاورم. سرش را که پایین آورد نامرد همهی بغضش از علی و آل علی را جمع کرده بود تا با عمود آهن برسر پدر فضل و ادب حجوم بیاورد. دستی که در بدن ندارد و مشکی که آب داشته باشد. فقط از این دنیا یک چیز میخواهد. برادر جان برادرت را دریاب…
The Battle and Its Related Events.4
The Battle and Its Related Events
part: 4
The narrator says: Umar Ibn Sa’ad rushed forward and threw an arrow towards the army of Husayn (a.s.) and said: “Bear wit- ness before the Amir that I was the first person to shoot!” Then arrows began to fall like raindrops.
Imam (a.s.) told his companions: “May Allah have Mercy on you. Get ready for death, the death from which there is no escape, because these arrows are the enemy’s war couriers for you.”
On the day of Ashura, for some hours, there was a heavy collective war, which rendered a number of companions martyred. At that moment holy Imam Husayn (a.s.) placed his hand on his holy beard and said: “Allah’s anger became severe against the Jews when they attributed a son to Allah; and on the Christians when they considered God to be a trinity; and on Zoarastarians when they worshipped the sun and the moon.
The wrath of Allah became harsh on my community when they united to kill the son of the daughter of His Messenger.” “No, by Allah! I will never submit to them until I meet my God when I get bathed in my blood.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) heard from his father that, “When Imam Husayn (a.s.) encountered Umar Ibn Sa’ad and the battle began, Allah sent down His Help. He caused shade over the blessed head of Husayn (a.s.). At that moment Husayn was provided two options: To be victorious over his enemies, or to meet his God. He opted for meeting Allah.”
It is said that at that time Husayn (a.s.) shouted, “Is there anyone to help us for the sake of Allah? Is there anyone prepared to defend the Prophet’s (S) family?” At that moment Hurr Ibn Yazeed Riyahi turned towards Umar bin Sa’ad and said: “Do you want to fight against this man?” Umar Ibn Sa’ad replied: “Yes. By Allah! The easiest form of it is chopping off heads and cutting off the hands.”
Then Hurr went and stood between his fellowmen. He began to tremble like a cane stick.
Muhajir Ibn Aus17 told him: “By Allah! Your action is very strange. If it were asked that who is the bravest man in Kufa, I could not have ignored you. But in what condition am I observing you?”
Hurr replied: “By Allah. I am, at present, finding myself in the position of opting for either Heaven or Hell. By Allah! I will opt for nothing but Paradise; even if I were cut into pieces and then burnt.” Then he drove his horse towards Husayn (a.s.) and while placing his hands on his head said: “O Allah! I have turned towards You, and I have repented. Kindly accept my repentance because I am guilty of causing unrest and anxiety to Your friends and to the children of the holy Prophet (S).”
He requested Husayn (a.s.): “May I be sacrificed for you. I am the same man who prevented you from returning to Medina and made things difficult for you. By Allah! I never imagined that these people would behave like this with you. I am repenting before Allah. Do you think that my repentance will be accepted?”
Husayn (a.s.) replied: “Yes. Allah will pardon you. Please get down.”
He submitted: “In my humble opinion, I can serve you better mounted than on feet. My last coming down, as desired by me, is martyrdom.” “Now that it is I who had revolted against you, kindly permit me to be the first martyr to be killed before your honor. Perhaps, tomorrow, on the Day of Justice, I may be one of those who will warmly shake hands with the holy Prophet (S).” Hurr said.
The compiler of the book says: What Hurr meant by the “first? martyr, was to be the first after that moment, as per narrations; a few persons had already been martyred earlier.
Imam allowed him. So Hurr went forward to fight and waged a good war. He killed many warriors of the enemy before getting himself martyred.
His pure body was brought to the Imam (a.s.) who cleaned his face and exclaimed; “You are indeed Hurr (Free) as your mother named you. You are free both in this world and in the Hereafter.”
The narrator says: Burair Ibn Haseen Khuzair who was a pious and worshipper went to the battlefield and was confronted by Yazeed bin Ma’qal. They both engaged in fighting and Burair sent Yazeed to hell and continued fighting till he attained martyrdom. May Allah be pleased with Burair
The Battle and Its Related Events.3
The Battle and Its Related Events
3 :part
The narrator says that the soldiers of Ibn Sa’ad mounted their horses. Husayn (a.s.) sent Burair towards them so that he may admonish them. But his admonition was useless.
Husayn (a.s.) mounted his horse or camel, and stood before the army of enemy and asked them to be quiet. They became silent. Then he praised Allah and remembered His virtues and attributes, and invoked blessings on Muhammad (S) and the angels, and the messengers, and gave an impressive speech,
“Be you destroyed O group of the people! May you remain constantly in sorrow and grief! You sought justice from us with extreme distress and called upon us to help you. We speedily rose to help you. These swords, which are now in your hands, should have swung in our favor, not against us. This fire, which you have ignited to harm us, should have engulfed our enemies and your foes. Now you have befriended your foes without getting any justice or any usefulness from them!”
“Beware! Woe unto you. You left us even before the battle begins, and the storm of tyranny could stop. This is absurd and crazy. Yet you attended them like the forest locusts and gathered around them like moths!” “Go away, you slaves of bondmaids, the evil sects, those who have banished the Book, those who have changed the Word, you germs of sin and students of devil, and destroyers of the traditions.” “Have you imagined that the enemy is strong and so you turned away from us?”
“By Allah! Your trickery and unfaithfulness is indeed old. You shall be the worst sorrow for one who sees and the most unpalatable case for the tyrant.” “Behold! Verily the bastard, and the son of bastard, has cornered me between two options, either battle or death with honor, or accepting disgrace and contempt! How far is disgrace from us? Allah does not like dishonor for us. Similarly His messenger, the faithful people, the poor bodies and souls, and the high personalities who are most precious always prefer martyrdom to slavery by the mean people.”
“Now, verily, I am proceeding towards Allah and martyrdom along with my family members and insufficient friends.”
Then Imam added the following poem of Farwah Ibn Masik Muradi14:
If we win, we have been among the winners from the past;
And if we fail, we would never be actually defeated;
Fear has no room in our souls;
However, our death would precede the kingdom of others;
Whenever death spares someone it does grab another one;
Death of the brave nobles destroyed my community;
As was the case with the predecessors;
Were the kings everlasting, we too would have lasted forever;
And were the good people immortal; we also would have been alike;
Tell the evil wishers to rest assured regarding us;
As what has befallen us shall come to you also.
Then he added: “By Allah! You will not be given except a short time before you will be pressed by the passage of time. Yes, this is a promise from my father and my grandfather. So resolve upon your affair and (gather) your associates, and let not your affair re- main dubious to you. Then have it executed against me and give me no respite."15
“Rightfully, I have relied on the One Who is My Lord and your Lord. There is no living thing, out of His control. Justly, my Lord is on the right path.” “O Allah! Prevent the clouds from raining on them and make them suffer a famine like that of the time of Joseph. O Lord! Impose the child of Thaqif (Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf) on them so that he may make them taste all kinds of disgrace, indignity, injustice, and oppression as they have refuted me, and they have left me without friends. O? God! On you do we rely, and to you do we turn, and to you is the eventual coming."16
Then Imam came down and called for the horse named Mortajaz. He rode it and prepared his friends for the battle.
It is reported from Imam Baqir (a.s.) that the total number of Imam’s army was 45 horsemen and 100 persons on foot. Other things have also been reported
The Battle and Its Related Events.2
The Battle and Its Related Events
part: 2
The narrator says: “When Husayn (a.s.) saw that the effect of his admonition was less, and the enemy was very eager to begin fighting he told his brother Abbas, If you could get a period, and delay the war, it will be nice. We may offer prayers during this night for Allah, as He knows that I am very fond of prayers (Salat) and of reciting His holy Book.”
Abbas put up his proposal before them. Umar bin Sa’ad kept quiet. Amr bin Hajjaj Zubedi said to Sa’ad: “They are the family members of Muhammad; even if they were poor and low class people, their requests would have been accepted.”
Thus, their demand was accepted. The narrator says: Husayn (a.s.) who was in a sitting position fell asleep, and then woke up and said: “O sister! During this hour I saw in a dream my grandfather, Muhammad (S), my father Ali (a.s.), my mother, Fatima (a.s.), and my brother, Hasan (a.s.).” They said to me, “O? Husayn! You are coming to us very soon.”
According to another narration they said: “You’ll be with us tomorrow.” The narrator says: “Zainab slapped her face and screamed.” Husayn (a.s.) said: “Be quiet and calm. Do not make the enemy rejoice.”
Then came the night of Ashura.
Husayn (a.s.) gathered his companions. After praising Allah he turned towards them and said: “Now, verily, I do not find companions better than you, nor any family more righteous than my family! Allah may give you the best rewards. Now the darkness of the night has covered you. So make its use. Each one of you may hold the hand of one of my family members and get dispersed in this darkness, and leave this place because they do not want anyone except me!”
His brother, sons and the sons of Abdullah bin Ja’far10 said in one voice: “Why should we do like that?
To remain alive after you? May Allah never bring such a day.”
The first one to speak thus was Abbas Ibn Ali (a.s.), and others also spoke one after another.
The narrator says: Husayn (a.s.) looked at the sons of Aqil11 and said: “The martyrdom of Muslim is sufficient for you. All of you may leave. I permit you.” According to another narration: “At that moment all the brothers and family members of Husayn (a.s.) spoke up unanimously: “O son of the holy Prophet (S)! What will people say about us, and what should we say to the people? That we left our elder, chief, Sayyid, the Imam, the son of the daughter of the Prophet, and did not threw an arrow along with him? Nor held a spear in our hands nor did our sword fall on the enemy. No, by Allah! O son of the holy Prophet (S), we would never leave you. Rather our lives will guard your life until we die before your eyes. Whatever befalls you, will fall on us too. How wretched is the life after you!”
Thereafter, Muslim Ibn Awsajah12 stood up and said: “Shall we leave you alone, and return so that the enemy may surround you? No, by Allah! Allah may never allow such situation until I plunge my spear in the chest of your enemy till the time only its handle may remain in my hand, and I may crush the enemy under my feet. Even when I was unarmed I will fight with them. I will stone them, and will not separate from your honor until I drink the cup of martyrdom by your side.”
It is said that Saeed Ibn Abdullah Hanafi got up and said: “No, by Allah! O son of the Messenger of Allah! I will never leave you alone, unless Allah sees that we have remembered and acted upon the will of His messenger Muhammad regarding you. If I come to know that I were injured in your path and then will be burnt alive, and my ashes were dispersed in the air, and if this would be repeated for seventy times, even then I will not leave you until I see death and embrace martyrdom in front of you. Why not? This is only one death and thereafter, I will gain the eternal and everlasting generosity of Allah.”
Thereafter Zohair bin Qain Bajali stood up and said: “By Allah! O son of the messenger of Allah! How much do I like to be killed one thousand times and to return to life so that, by this deed, Allah may protect you, your brothers, and the young members of your family from any damage.”
A group of companions also uttered such words: “May our lives be sacrificed for you. We shall protect you by our entire beings, and if, we get martyred in your path, we would have fulfilled our promise of loyalty and would have kept our words.”
In the meantime news came to Muhammad Ibn Bashir Hazrami that his son was captured in the territory of Ray.
Muhammad said: “I like to get its compensation from Allah. I did not like to see him caught during my lifetime.” Husayn (a.s.) heard his words and said: “May Allah have mercy on you. I take back my allegiance from you for freeing your son. So go and so on.” Muhammad said: “May wild animals eat me up alive if I ever leave your company.”
The Imam (a.s.) then said: “Take this gift to your other son so that he may use it for freeing his captive brother.” Then he gave him something that valued 1000 dinars
The Battle and Its Related Events
The Battle and Its Related Events
جنگ و وقایع مربوط به آن
The narrator says that Ibn Ziyad called his companions for fighting against Husayn (a.s.) and they accepted. Though he held them in a low esteem they carried out his order. He offered Umar Ibn Sa’ad the command of the army, which he accepted blindly. Umar bin Sa’ad left Kufa with four thousand riding soldiers for fighting against the Imam (a.s.).
Ibn Ziyad sent many armed groups to support him till their number became twenty thousand on the night of the 6th Muharram of 61 A.H. Ibn Sa’ad surrounded Husayn (a.s.), putting him in an extremely difficult situation. He cut off water supply from him, his families, and his companions. They all suffered a terrible thirst.
Then Imam (a.s.) stood up, leaned on his sword and proclaimed in a loud voice: I administer an oath on you. Do you know me? They said: “Yes! You are the son of the holy Prophet.”
Husayn: “I administer the oath of Allah. Tell me, do you know that the Prophet of Allah is my grandfather?” They replied: “By Allah, yes.” He then asked: “I administer the oath of Allah to you. Do you know that my mother Fatima is the daughter of Muhammad?” They said: “Yes.” He said: “I administer the oath of Allah to you. Do you know that my father is Ali Ibn Abi Talib?” They replied: “By Allah, yes.” He said: “I administer oath of Allah to you. Do you know that my grandmother is Khadija, daughter of Khuwailid1, the first Muslim lady of the nation?”
They said: “Yes.” He said: “I administer oath of Allah to you. Do you know that Hamza2, Chief of the martyrs, is the uncle of my father?”
They replied: “It is true.”
Husayn (a.s.) said: “I administer the oath of Allah to you. Do you know that Ja’far3, who can fly in Paradise, is my uncle?” They said: “By Allah, yes.” Husayn (a.s.) then said: “I administer oath of Allah to you. Did this sword, which I have unsheathed and which is now in my hand, belong to the holy Prophet (S)?”
They said: “Yes.” Husayn then said: “I administer the oath of Allah to you. Is this turban which is now on my head, the turban of the holy Prophet (S)?” They replied: “By Allah, yes it is.”
Husayn (a.s.) then said: “I administer oath of Allah to you. Do you know that Ali (a.s.) was the first man who accepted Islam, his knowledge was deeper than that of everyone else, and his patience and tolerance was higher than that of anyone else, and that he is the Master of every Muslim man and woman?”
They replied: “By Allah, yes.”
Husayn (a.s.) then asked: “How do you al- low yourself to shed my blood when on the Last Day, my father (a.s.) will be the master of Kauthar Pool, who will drive away people from that Pool, as camels are hushed away from water, and that the flag of Praise (Liwaul Hamd) will be in the hands of my father on the Day of Judgment?”
They replied: “We know all of this, and yet we will not leave you until you taste death in thirst.”
When the women heard the speech of the Imam they wept and wailed and lamented, slapped their faces and their voices arose.
Imam (a.s.) sent his brother Abbas4 and his son Ali5 towards them and said: “Make them quiet. By my life, how much wailing they would have in the future!”
The narrator says: Umar Ibn Sa’ad received a letter from Ibn Ziyad. He had ordered Umar to start fighting immediately and had warned him for any delay. It made Ibn Sa?ad and his army to launch an attack on Husayn (a.s.).
Shimr Ibn Ziljushan (may Allah curse him)6 rushed ahead and cried: “Where are my nephews Abdullah7, Ja’far8, Abbas, and Uthman.9″
Husayn (a.s.) said to the sons of Ummul Banin: “Though he is a fasiq and evil-doer, give him a response.”
The sons of Ummul Banin replied: “What do you want?”
Shimr said: “O’ sons of my sister! You are under protection (amnesty). Do not get killed with your brother Husayn, and come to the service of Yazeed bin Muawiyah, the Amirul Momineen!”
Abbas Ibn Ali (a.s.) shouted in response: “May your hands be cut! May your offer of amnesty be cursed! O? enemy of Allah! Are you asking us to leave our brother and master Husayn Ibn Fatima (a.s.), and to come under the command of the rejected, the cursed, and sons of those con- demned by Allah?”
Shimr returned angrily to his army