Karbala: The True Hajj
We learn from Imam Hussein that there was a more important goal for him to accomplish than completing the rituals of Hajj and risking bloodshed in the Haram. Actually, it would be an erroneous statement to say that the Imam skipped or cancelled his Hajj that year! In fact, Imam Hussein abandoned the ritualistic Hajj to perform the true essence of Hajj, which is embodied in his sacrifice and bloodshed on the plains of Karbala! Quite frankly, many of the ritualistic acts of Hajj symbolize the tragedy of Karbala, most notably the slaughter on xthe day of Eid al-Adha. Even though we celebrate that day out of gratitude that Allah spared the grief of father and son – Prophets Ibrahim and Isma’il (peace be upon them) – from the slaughter ordered by Him, our moment of joy doesn’t last long because it is soon replaced by the Great Slaughter (Dhibh ‘Adheem, as mentioned in 37:104-108 of the Qur’an) which is personified in Hussein ibn Ali. The grief we feel is further intensified as we remember the pain of separation between Imam Hussein and his son Ali Akbar, which was not spared like that of Isma’il and his father. The 10th of Dhil-Hijjah is only a few weeks away from the 10th of Muharram, reminding us of the true sacrifice that was offered in Karbala one month later!
Karbala: The True Hajj
It is important to note that a pilgrim who performs Hajj without recognizing Karbala to be its true essence does not gain the real fruits of his/her pilgrimage.
In the words of Dr. Ali Shariati: “Imam Hussein did not complete his Hajj in order to teach the pilgrims that if there is no Imamate and there is not true leadership, if there is no goal, if ‘Hussein’ is not there and ‘Yazid’ is there, making Tawaaf around the house of Allah is equal to making Tawaaf around the idol-house.” (Hajj)
love and affection Prophet
Hussein (A.S) spent his childhood with Lady Fatimah (S.A), Imam Ali (A.S), and especially with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The love and affection Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had towards Hussein (A.S) was so unique that all the companions were aware of it, had frequently seen its manifestation, and had heard of it repeatedly. Moreover, historians have recorded incidents and narrations in this respect. In one account it has been said that the Prophet’s prostration took longer than usual in his prayer. People came to the Prophet and asked, “Were you receiving a revelation or order from Allah during prostration?” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied, “No, my son Hussein had climbed onto my back; I waited until he wished to come down.” This is an example showing how the best creature of Allah (S.W.T) treated Hussein (A.S) while he was in the best state of worship.
eternal glory hussein
I walk through the valleys and the shadows of the death that surrounds me
Entrenched in the smell of blood lingering in my soul
Searching for their stories repeatedly told and simultaneously ignored
And I walk
I walk and I stumble on the remains of those who passed before me
Sacrificing their life for that eternal glory?
No, to them death is sweeter than honey
And I’m taken back by the feeling that overwhelms me
عون ابن جعفر
عون بن جعفر
از شهداي کربلاست. پسر جعفر بن ابي طالب (جعفر طيار). مادرش «اسماء بنت عميس» بود که در حبشه به دنيا آمد. جعفر طيار او را در جنگ خيبر به حضور رسول خدا «ص» آورد. پس از شهادت جعفر طيار در جنگ موته، پيامبر خدا فرزندان او را طلبيد. عبدالله، عون و محمد را حاضر کردند. به دستور آن حضرت، سر هر سه را تراشيدند. پيامبر درباره عون فرمود: در خلقت و اخلاق، شبيه من است. در دوران علي «ع» به آن حضرت پيوست. حضرت دخترش ام کلثوم را به همسري او در آورد.عون در زمان امام مجتبي و سپس امام حسين «ع» از ياران آن دو امام بود. همراه همسرش در کربلا حضور داشت. روز عاشورا از سيد الشهدا «ع» اجازه گرفت و به ميدان رفت. نبردي دلاورانه کرد وبه شهادت رسيد. هنگام شهادت 56 ساله بود.
Aoun bin Ja’far of the martyrs Karbala. Son of Ja’far Ibn Abi Talib(Jafar Tayyar). His mother was (Asma Bennet Amys) born in Habastian. Ja’far Tayyar brought him to the prophet(PBUH) in the Khybar war. After the testimony of Ja’far Tayyar in the battle of Mutah, the prophet of Allah called his sons: Abdullah, Aoun and Mohammad. On the orders of the prophet, they shaved all three heads. The prophet(PBUH) said about Aoun: he likes mine in creation and ethics. In the era of Imam Ali, come to him. Imam married with his daughter(umm kulthum). He was one of the partners of Imam Mujtaba and Imam Hossein. He was accompanied by his wife in Karbala. He was permitted to seyyed Al-Shohada(AS) and went to the battle at Ashura Day. He did brave battle and martyr when he was 56 years old.
یوم الترویه
Brief introduction of Ziarat Arbaeen
Ziarat Arba’een can be divided into parts as outlined below:
1. Like other Ziarats, Ziarat Arbaeen starts with greeting Imam Hussein (A.S) and then describing his various titles, such as Seyyedo Shohada and each one of these titles describes a special dimension of Imam’s personality.
2. In this part, the special divine honours given to Imam Hussein (A.S) as a result of his martyrdom in Karbala are mentioned; such as, he is one of the leaders of the religion, a defender of the justice and successor of the prophets as well as a divine proof.
3. The third part deals with the philosophy of Ashura uprising and the various aims of the uprising are explained. The main aim is mentioned as guiding, saving and awakening people.
4. In this section, the enemies of Imam Hussein (A.S) are introduced; their aims and the various anti-God groups who were deceived by the world.
5. This section is dedicated to Jihad in the way of God and martyrdom and the difficulties and sufferings that Imam (A.S) and his family and companions faced. It is mentioned here that Jihad in the way God succeeds by sacrifice, patience and sincere deeds.
6. This section is for cursing the enemies and asking for God’s curse on them
7. In this part, Imam’s connection to the line of the prophethood is mentioned.
8. The message of this section is that honourable death is better than a life without dignity.
9. This part is about expressing strong disapproval of those who cooperate with oppressors.
10. Again, in this section, the nobleness and purity of Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S) is emphasized.
11. In this part the importance and eminent position of Imams and Imamate are described.
12. Three elements of belief, submission and following the line of Imams are mentioned in this section as the main principles of guidance.
13. This part deals with declaration of position. By knowing Imams we should know their positions regarding various issues.
14. And the final section is to end the Ziarat with final greetings.
Source: shafaqna.com