تحدث آية الله الخامنئي من علي الأكبر
جاء هذا الشاب إلى والده. بداية فقد نقلوا أن علي الأكبر كان يبلغ من العمر ما بين الثمانية عشر والخمس والعشرين عاماً كحد أقصى. يقول: “خرج علي بن الحسين"؛ خرج علي بن الحسين للمبارزة، خرج من مخيم الإمام الحسين. ثم يكمل الراوي: “وكان من أصبح الناس خلقاً"؛ كان هذا الشاب من أبهى شباب العالم وأشدّهم جمالاً؛ حسن الوجه، بصير وشجاع. “فاستأذن أباه في القتال". “فأذن له"؛ أذن له الإمام دون أدنى تردد. لم يكن الإمام عليه السلام يأذن للقاسم بن الحسن في بادئ الأمر، فتوسّله حتّى أذِنَ له؛ لكن “علي بن الحسين” عندما تقدّم، ولأنّه ابن الإمام عليه السلام، أذن له فور طلبه للإذن. “ثم نظر إليه نظر يائس منه"؛ “وأرخى عليه السلام عينه وبكى". واحدة من خصائص العالم الإسلامي العاطفية هي هذه؛ ذرف الدموع عند الأحداث العاطفية. ترون في عدة مواطن أن الإمام عليه السلام بكى. هذا البكاء ليس جزعاً؛ بل يدلّ على شدّة العواطف؛ لأن الإسلام يُنمّي هذه العواطف في داخل الإنسان. شرع الإمام الحسين عليه السلام بالبكاء. ثم قال هذه الجملة التي قد سمعتموها مراراً: “اللهم اشهد فقد برز إليهم غلام أشبه النّاس خُلقاً وخَلقاً ومنطقاً برسولك".
How did Abbas become martyred?
Hazrat Abulfadhl Al-Abbas’s loyalty was most clearly manifested when he went to the Euphrates River but abstained from drinking water. The well-known narration of the event, which is widely related to by the people, is that Imam Hussain (as) sent Hazrat Abulfadhl to fetch water. However, what I have read in authentic versions of the narration—like those of “Irshad” by Mufid and “Lohoof” by Ibn Tawous—is slightly different from the common narration, probably highlighting the significance of the event. In these authentic books it has been narrated that in the last moments, rather in the last hour, while thirst had compelled the little children so much–little girls and others in the camps–that Imam Hussain (as) and Abulfadhl (as) took it upon themselves and left together to fetch water. Hazrat Abulfadhl did not go alone, in other words; Imam Hussain (as) accompanied Abulfadhl towards the Euphrates River—a branch of the Euphrates which flowed through that region—in hopes of obtaining water for the camp site.
Motivation for the uprising of Imam Hussein
The Revolution’s Causes
The motives for revolution were numerous. Some were direct grievances of the general people while others were ideological. The following were the most apparent:
1. There were many defects and drawbacks but the most urgent one was the attempt to distort Islamic concepts and ideals. This aspect was of extreme importance and preoccupied the minds of responsible Muslims at the time. The fabrication of Hadith was all too common, which had a poisonous effect on the lives of Muslims. This, was giving the Umayyads for a while a free hand to carry out their inhuman deeds and policies. The mask of religion which they used to hide their un-Islamic conduct was extremely dangerous. In the long run, this could have changed Islamic concepts of ruling and inverted social ideals. Thus stripping off this mask and exposing the true Umayad’s picture was of utmost necessity.
2. The State’s structure was built on an un-Islamic basis. Quraish was born to rule, Arabs were second class citizens, and non-Arabs constituted the base of the society’s pyramid. That was the general social picture of, the Muslim world under the Umayyads dynasty. Freedom of thought and expression were denied, When one dared to express an opinion contrary to that of the Umayyad’s, prison became his home, his property was robbed, and oven his life was at stake.
3. The Umayyads considered the Muslim world to be their own property. The aims (Zakat) and other Islamic dues were collected, but no-one knows or can question where that money went. Large gifts and donations were given to few cruel governors and tribal chiefs in order to secure their allegiance. Large sums of money were wastefully spent on racing, gambling, wine-making, and buying slave women to entertain high-class people in power. Hence, the majority of Muslims were left near starvation level while the ruling group all enjoyed the social and material privileges.
4. The Muslims had apparently got used to the un-Islamic rule of the Umayyads as time passed by. Their resistance slackened and some people began adjusting themselves to the new conditions. Hence, the revolutionary spirit of Islam began to disappear gradually from Muslims’ lives and thoughts. Therefore, a new stimulant to their souls was necessary to activate their lives and try to restore, Islamic conduct to the society.
What was the purpose of Imam Hossein's uprising
What was the course of Imam Hussain’s (A) revolution? What reasons prompted him to initiate such a great and unmatched upspring? Did he intended to overthrow the Yazid regime? Did he wish to end the Umayyid dynasty? These and such other questions keep cropping in the mind and everyone wants to know the satisfactory replies, specially the mourner of Imam Hussain (A) are more eager in this regard.
When Imam Hussain (A) was preparing to leave on his longest journey,he bid adieu to the grave of his grandfather, the Holy Prophet (S.AW). Then he wrote a legacy addressing his brother Mohammed Bin Hanafiyyah in which he explained the aims and objectives of his uprising. We are quoting an extract from the same legacy hereunder. He wrote thus:
“And surely the aim of my stand is not inspired by vain exultation and it is also not for the quest of kingdom, Neither it is to cause dissension and corruption nor it is to wrong anybody unjustly.”
قافله سالار داره میاد
یا ابا عبد الله! این روزها صدای زنگ قافله ات به گوش میرسد و چه زود کوفیان جنگ را شروع کرده اند. حالا هنوز دست امیر المومنین علیه السلام بالای دست رسول خدا صلوات الله علیه نرفته است که حرامیان حرمله صفت سر از بدن یارانت جدا میکنند. محسن جان شهادتت مبارک. پیش اربابت رو سفید شدی. با رفتنت روضه های قتلگاه از حالا شروع شده. وای به روزی که بانو به کربلا برسد. قافله سالار داره میاد. خدا کنه برگرده.