شوق زيارت
قال الامام باقرعليه السلام:
لو يعلم الناس ما فى زيارة قبرالحسين عليه السلام من الفضل، لماتوا شوقاً.
امام باقرعليه السلام فرمود:
اگر مردم مىدانستند كه چه فضيلتى در زيارت مرقد امام حسين عليه السلام است از شوق زيارت مى مردند.
فَلا وَ الله لَیْسَ لَهُم شَفیع وَ هُمْ یَومَ القیامَه فی الْعَذاب
I swear God no one will intercede them in the doomsday and they will be tortured in the doomsday.
Some of them wanted to grab the hand onece more, but it disappeared. When they came back for the third time, the hand wrote this poem the same as previous time
وَ قَد قتلُو الحُسینَ بحکم جَور وَ خالف خَلفَهُم حکم الکِتاب
‘’They martyred Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) tyrannically; therefore, they acted against Quran'’. ‘
The carriers of the head regretted to eat food and did not sleep due to their fear. At midnight, the monk that lived there heard a voice. The monk listened to it carefully and heard the admiration of God. The monk stood up and took his head out of the window. He understood that a light from the lance beside the wall was raised toward the sky and the angels were descending from the sky in groups and were saying